MARCH MADNESS (It’s Been a Smidgen Stressful Lately)

I’ll summarize the last months with a…we moved! THREE times!  Which means my commute is well…longer 🙂 **ofcourse**.  Our one car will be shipped cross country here shortly and I will be car-less.  So that means our morning routine has approximately zero room for any extra fun.  In an effort to try to stay on task, I created a “Sweetpea’s Morning” picture collage that I put up every morning.  We have the same for nighttime so we have a clear evening routine.

First I took pictures, cut out some plastic covers, purchased some thin pink and white string from Michaels and also some fun colored clothes pins.  So essentially we have a thin clothe line of pictures hanging in the morning for someone to check to see “what comes next!!!” It’s a very exciting part of our morning.

1. Wake Up!
1. Wake Up!
2. Use Potty
2. Potty Time
3. Pick Out My Clothes
3. Pick Out My Clothes

(Yes Sweetpea picks out her clothes…which means sometimes her socks do not match…”I do it Mommy”…I’m all about independence!)

4. Feed the dogs
4. Feed the dogs
5. Eat Breakfast
5. Eat Breakfast
6. Take the Dogs Out
6. Take the Dogs Out

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